グラハム・ハンコック - 2016年09月03日
グラハム・ハンコック氏 来日決定
グラハム・ハンコック氏 来日決定
『神々の魔術』出版記念講演 開催
場所:東京 一橋講堂 | 日時:平成28年10月23日 13:30~16:30
グラハム・ハンコック氏 来日決定
『神々の魔術』出版記念講演 開催
場所:東京 一橋講堂 | 日時:平成28年10月23日 13:30~16:30
場 所: 一橋大学一橋講堂 〒101-8439 東京都千代田区一ツ橋 2-1-2 学術総合センター内
グラハム・ハンコック - 2016年07月20日
ここを見てください: http://gakkenmu.jp/column/6396/
グラハム・ハンコック - 2016年02月26日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2011年08月29日
The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule
All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you,
do ye even so to them: for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mathew, 7.12
What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. That is the entire Law;
All the rest is commentary.
Talmud, Shabbet, 31a
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.
Mahabarata, 51 1517
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful
Udan-Varga, 5,18
Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.
Analects, 15.23
Regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain, and your neighbour's loss as your own loss.
T'ai Shang Kan Ying Pien
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Dadistan-i-dinik, 94,5
From Uncommon Sense, by Gregory Sams, a cultural change agent and inventor of the Vege Burger. The entire book is freely available online here: http://www.gregorysams.com/uncommon-sense.html, and is well worth the read.
グラハム・ハンコック - 2011年08月24日
Entangled is now out in Japan!
Graham's latest book, Entangled, has been released in Japanese under the title "リアとレオーニ 時空を超えた姉妹 (Ria & Leoni)".
See Graham's Official Japanese website for details. You may also go directly to the Ria & Leoni page for more information.
Click the book image to the left to find it on Amazon.
Please see the trailer below:
グラハム・ハンコック - 2009年08月30日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2009年08月07日
Earth Pilgrims DVD available
Humanity has moved through many ages. Astrology calls them by their zodiacal names, and we're just emerging from the end of the age of pisces, the age of religion, on the brink of a new age, and a new humanity. I believe that we collectively went through the age of religion because we needed to learn what it had to teach us: The core message brought to mankind in all of these religions, was the message of Ayni.
Ayni is a Quechua word meaning "reciprocity", with the underlying principle being the idea that what one gives to the universe, one receives from the universe. In the measure that you give - whatever it is - is the same that you will receive. If you show hatred to others, others will show hatred to you. If you give love and respect, you receive love and respect. If you practice forgiveness, you too will be forgiven. And importantly - as others give to you, you too must give back to maintain harmony. And so in Ayni culture the belief is practiced that as Earth, or the universe, or God provides for us, we must give back with thanks and gratitude in our hearts. These are the words of Jesus, of Buddha, and of many others in the great human history we have trailing behind us through time.
So now here we are, balanced at the edge of history. The practice and understanding of Ayni - this concept of receiving back from life whatever it is that you put out - is now all but forgotten, even though it is central to the religions that billions of people claim to follow. The only people who still live this way are part of a culture that is fast disappearing, and we were lucky enough at this point in history to capture it on film in its final breaths before it disappears into the forgotten realms of extinction.
We live in a world collapsing around us, and in the great fractal arena of life, this collapse is reflected in many facets. As we see the demise of the last keepers of the ancient knowledge, we also witness the disappearance of vital elements in our food chain, like plankton and bees. As we move into an age where wealthy countries fight resource wars to stay rich, we see our economies collapsing.
As great countries like China and India mobilise to saturate every one of their citizens with the paraphenalia of modernity, we finally notice that we have an ecosystem in collapse. We didn't go into great detail about these things in our film - that's not our purpose - but the facts and figures involved here are truly staggering. We are part of a great global culture taking the death march towards the edge of a cliff. And as we tear up forests to make printed currency, nature is happy to help us on this journey, and we can see this with the frequency of natural disasters increasing.
The future glitters with malice, makes one shudder in fear. The potential for major wars and major disaster increases by the day. The darkness that looms ahead of us is truly terrifying.
And yet: at the same time we have a future before us that shines with hope, and glows with promise. It is in times of crisis that real change can be made. As we approach this time that many prophesise as the end of days, we now really have the possibility for a new kind of humanity. A new paradigm. A new way of being. As Satish Kumar says in our film "as the old paradigm collapses, we must not lament. We must celebrate the death of the old system. And we must be midwives to the birth of a new system, and we must begin now to create new examples, so that when the old system dies, we are not left at sea with no direction, and no hope."
This film, Earth Pilgrims, is not like other films. It doesn't have the action, or the suspense of a Hollywood film. You probably will not be on the edge of your seat. You might even find it challenging to watch. But it has not been made to entertain people. It has been made to remind people that there is another way to live - and it is one that we may need to adopt as times get harder. This film also hopes to equip its audience with an understanding of the attitude of an Earth Pilgrim. This is a person who knows how to live in harmony with the world around them, carries gratitude in their hearts, and works not for themselves or material gain, but works in their own way for the greater good.
There are many messages in this film, and I hope that everyone who sees it may carry away from it something that touches them personally, and helps them in their own pilgrimages on this planet, as participating in making this film has done for me.
Thankyou for reading, and I hope you enjoy watching.
Order the DVD here (US Customers)
Japanese customers please click here
Ayni is a Quechua word meaning "reciprocity", with the underlying principle being the idea that what one gives to the universe, one receives from the universe. In the measure that you give - whatever it is - is the same that you will receive. If you show hatred to others, others will show hatred to you. If you give love and respect, you receive love and respect. If you practice forgiveness, you too will be forgiven. And importantly - as others give to you, you too must give back to maintain harmony. And so in Ayni culture the belief is practiced that as Earth, or the universe, or God provides for us, we must give back with thanks and gratitude in our hearts. These are the words of Jesus, of Buddha, and of many others in the great human history we have trailing behind us through time.
So now here we are, balanced at the edge of history. The practice and understanding of Ayni - this concept of receiving back from life whatever it is that you put out - is now all but forgotten, even though it is central to the religions that billions of people claim to follow. The only people who still live this way are part of a culture that is fast disappearing, and we were lucky enough at this point in history to capture it on film in its final breaths before it disappears into the forgotten realms of extinction.
We live in a world collapsing around us, and in the great fractal arena of life, this collapse is reflected in many facets. As we see the demise of the last keepers of the ancient knowledge, we also witness the disappearance of vital elements in our food chain, like plankton and bees. As we move into an age where wealthy countries fight resource wars to stay rich, we see our economies collapsing.
As great countries like China and India mobilise to saturate every one of their citizens with the paraphenalia of modernity, we finally notice that we have an ecosystem in collapse. We didn't go into great detail about these things in our film - that's not our purpose - but the facts and figures involved here are truly staggering. We are part of a great global culture taking the death march towards the edge of a cliff. And as we tear up forests to make printed currency, nature is happy to help us on this journey, and we can see this with the frequency of natural disasters increasing.
The future glitters with malice, makes one shudder in fear. The potential for major wars and major disaster increases by the day. The darkness that looms ahead of us is truly terrifying.
And yet: at the same time we have a future before us that shines with hope, and glows with promise. It is in times of crisis that real change can be made. As we approach this time that many prophesise as the end of days, we now really have the possibility for a new kind of humanity. A new paradigm. A new way of being. As Satish Kumar says in our film "as the old paradigm collapses, we must not lament. We must celebrate the death of the old system. And we must be midwives to the birth of a new system, and we must begin now to create new examples, so that when the old system dies, we are not left at sea with no direction, and no hope."
This film, Earth Pilgrims, is not like other films. It doesn't have the action, or the suspense of a Hollywood film. You probably will not be on the edge of your seat. You might even find it challenging to watch. But it has not been made to entertain people. It has been made to remind people that there is another way to live - and it is one that we may need to adopt as times get harder. This film also hopes to equip its audience with an understanding of the attitude of an Earth Pilgrim. This is a person who knows how to live in harmony with the world around them, carries gratitude in their hearts, and works not for themselves or material gain, but works in their own way for the greater good.
There are many messages in this film, and I hope that everyone who sees it may carry away from it something that touches them personally, and helps them in their own pilgrimages on this planet, as participating in making this film has done for me.
Thankyou for reading, and I hope you enjoy watching.
Order the DVD here (US Customers)
Japanese customers please click here
グラハム・ハンコック - 2009年01月17日
The Story of Stuff
The story of stuff has been posted up here before, but now it is here with Japanese subtitles
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年12月28日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年12月12日
Nassim Haramein on the Ark
An excerpt from the Earth Pilgrims interview with Nassim Haramein is available on YouTube, covering discussion of the Ark of the Covenant. | |
Part 1/2 | Part 2/2 |
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年12月02日
Satish Kumar's pilgrimage
An excerpt from the Earth Pilgrims interview with Satish Kumar is available on YouTube, covering the discussion of the inspiration for him setting off on an 8,000 mile penniless world pilgrimage for nuclear disarmament. | |
Part 1/2 | Part 2/2 |
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年11月19日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年10月09日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年09月08日
The Japanese version of Supernatural was released on the 5th of September, under the title: 異次元の刻印
Please take a look here:
異次元の刻印(上)-人類史の裂け目あるいは宗教の起源 (ハードカバー)
異次元の刻印(下)-人類史の裂け目あるいは宗教の起源 (ハードカバー)
Please take a look here:
異次元の刻印(上)-人類史の裂け目あるいは宗教の起源 (ハードカバー)
異次元の刻印(下)-人類史の裂け目あるいは宗教の起源 (ハードカバー)
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年08月09日
Sattvic vs Rajasic story
A fisherman was lying in the sun on a beach, dozing. He had finished his fishing for the day' he had his lunch, and now it was time for his rest.
A businessman noticed him lying down lazily, and asked, "why are you not at work today?"
"I have finished my work. I went out in my little boat this morning, caught some fish, sold some, cooked and ate some; now it is time to rest, time for my siesta," said the fisherman.
"But you could catch some more fish, couldn't you?" asked the businessman.
"Why should I do that?" asked the fisherman in surprise.
"Then you could have more money, buy a bigger boat with an engine which would carry much larger nets and catch even more fish" replied the businessman.
"Why?" asked the fisherman.
"Well, then you can have a fleet of boats, set up a company, and when it's successful, you can sell it and make lots of money," said the businessman.
"Then what?" The fisherman was at a loss.
"Then you can retire and lie on a beach without any worries, forever," insisted the businessman.
"But I am already doing exactly that now. I am having my siesta. I have no worries about the future. I am happy, very happy. I have enough, and enough is enough for me. I am blessed with the sea and the sunshine and plenty of time to enjoy life. Why would I go to all that trouble?"
The businessman, at first speechless, soon went away smiling.
A businessman noticed him lying down lazily, and asked, "why are you not at work today?"
"I have finished my work. I went out in my little boat this morning, caught some fish, sold some, cooked and ate some; now it is time to rest, time for my siesta," said the fisherman.
"But you could catch some more fish, couldn't you?" asked the businessman.
"Why should I do that?" asked the fisherman in surprise.
"Then you could have more money, buy a bigger boat with an engine which would carry much larger nets and catch even more fish" replied the businessman.
"Why?" asked the fisherman.
"Well, then you can have a fleet of boats, set up a company, and when it's successful, you can sell it and make lots of money," said the businessman.
"Then what?" The fisherman was at a loss.
"Then you can retire and lie on a beach without any worries, forever," insisted the businessman.
"But I am already doing exactly that now. I am having my siesta. I have no worries about the future. I am happy, very happy. I have enough, and enough is enough for me. I am blessed with the sea and the sunshine and plenty of time to enjoy life. Why would I go to all that trouble?"
The businessman, at first speechless, soon went away smiling.
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年08月07日
Sattvic, Rajasic, Tamasic 1/2
From Satish Kumar's book, Spiritual Compass
The Three Qualities.
Sattvic is buoyant and shining
Rajasic is stimulating and moving
Tamasic is heavy and dominating
The concept of the 3 qualities was developed as part of the philosophy and practice of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian health system dating back nearly 5,000 years. Ayurveda is a way of cultivating and maintaining our personal and social health as well as the health of the planet, and is still widely practiced in India.
In Ayurveda, physical well being is dependent on two interconnected aspects: on the one hand, a healthy mind is the prerequisite of a healthy body, and on the other, without a healthy society and a healthy environment, personal health will remain a distant dream.
All objects, all thoughts, all actions and all relationships have one or the other of these three qualities or tendencies.
Time, too, can be understood in terms of these three qualities. Living in the here and now, acting spontaneously and unselfconsciously, responding to a situation as it is and seeing the present moment as a beautiful moment is sattvic. In sattvic time there is no judgement, no gloss, no interpretation, for these belong either to the past or to the future; they are part of reflecting on what has already happened or planning what is to come. Living in the present moment, being satisfied with what is now, and feeling a sense of gratitude for all the gifts of the moment, is sattvic.
Part 2 tomorrow
The Three Qualities.
Sattvic is buoyant and shining
Rajasic is stimulating and moving
Tamasic is heavy and dominating
The concept of the 3 qualities was developed as part of the philosophy and practice of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian health system dating back nearly 5,000 years. Ayurveda is a way of cultivating and maintaining our personal and social health as well as the health of the planet, and is still widely practiced in India.
In Ayurveda, physical well being is dependent on two interconnected aspects: on the one hand, a healthy mind is the prerequisite of a healthy body, and on the other, without a healthy society and a healthy environment, personal health will remain a distant dream.
All objects, all thoughts, all actions and all relationships have one or the other of these three qualities or tendencies.
Time, too, can be understood in terms of these three qualities. Living in the here and now, acting spontaneously and unselfconsciously, responding to a situation as it is and seeing the present moment as a beautiful moment is sattvic. In sattvic time there is no judgement, no gloss, no interpretation, for these belong either to the past or to the future; they are part of reflecting on what has already happened or planning what is to come. Living in the present moment, being satisfied with what is now, and feeling a sense of gratitude for all the gifts of the moment, is sattvic.
Part 2 tomorrow
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年08月04日
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年07月09日
Ever heard of Sealand?
In 1978, while Bates was away, the Prime Minister of Sealand, Professor Alexander G. Achenbach, and several German and Dutch citizens, staged a forcible takeover of Sealand holding Bates' son Michael captive, before releasing him several days later in the Netherlands. Bates thereupon enlisted armed assistance and, in a helicopter assault, retook the fortress. He then held the invaders captive, claiming them as prisoners of war.
Sealand is not recognized as a sovereign state by any United Nations member, but continues to operate as an independant country under Roy Bates. They issue Sealand Passports to their citizens, and have their own currency and football team.
A more detailed history of this interesting nation can be found here
Paddy Roy and Princess Joan Bates on Sealand
Sealand is a micronation that established itself on an abandoned naval fort constructed by the British Army during World War II. |
It is sitated 6 miles from the coast of South East England, and was used as a defensive outpost until 1956, at which point it was abandoned. 10 years later, a gentleman by the name of Paddy Roy Bates and a friend landed on Sealand and occupied it. Like most nations, Sealand suffered many take over attempts. After Roy declared himself Sovereign of Sealand, his friend tried to sieze control of the construction. Roy defended the fort using guns and petrol bombs. |
In 1978, while Bates was away, the Prime Minister of Sealand, Professor Alexander G. Achenbach, and several German and Dutch citizens, staged a forcible takeover of Sealand holding Bates' son Michael captive, before releasing him several days later in the Netherlands. Bates thereupon enlisted armed assistance and, in a helicopter assault, retook the fortress. He then held the invaders captive, claiming them as prisoners of war.
Sealand is not recognized as a sovereign state by any United Nations member, but continues to operate as an independant country under Roy Bates. They issue Sealand Passports to their citizens, and have their own currency and football team.
A more detailed history of this interesting nation can be found here
Paddy Roy and Princess Joan Bates on Sealand
Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年07月06日
Guerrilla gardening
Guerrilla gardening is an illegal but very nice activity whereby people decide to solve urban blight by removing trash and replacing it with plants.
It is illegal because in many cities there are local laws that prohibit a private party from planting trees, shrubs and flowers in a public area.
They come at night, remove trash, and plant trees, shrubs and flowers.
Thankyou to Herman for that link.
Guerrilla gardening is an illegal but very nice activity whereby people decide to solve urban blight by removing trash and replacing it with plants.
It is illegal because in many cities there are local laws that prohibit a private party from planting trees, shrubs and flowers in a public area.
They come at night, remove trash, and plant trees, shrubs and flowers.
Thankyou to Herman for that link.
グラハム・ハンコック - 2008年04月12日
100th Monkey Syndrome
For those who acknowledge it, the collective unconscious, or noosphere is something we think of as a very human characteristic, however there is documented evidence of its existence among monkeys.
The 100th monkey syndrome is a concept that has been popularised by Ken Keyes. Here is an excrept from his book, "The Hundredth Monkey"
The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in the wild for a period of over 30years. In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkey liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.
An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too.
a trait that was easily picked up by the young but not older individuals. Image from: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v399/n6737/fig_tab/399635a0_ft.html
This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.
Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes -- the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes. Let's further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.
THEN IT HAPPENED! By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!
But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea...Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes. Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.
This phenomenon is considered to be due to critical mass. When a limited number of people know something in a new way, it remains the conscious property of only those people. The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome hypothesises that there is a point at which if only one more person tunes in to a new awareness, a field of energy is strengthened so that new awareness is picked up by almost everyone.
More information about these findings can be read here