
The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you,
do ye even so to them: for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mathew, 7.12

What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. That is the entire Law;
All the rest is commentary.
Talmud, Shabbet, 31a

No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.
Mahabarata, 51 1517

Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful
Udan-Varga, 5,18

Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.
Analects, 15.23

Regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain, and your neighbour's loss as your own loss.
T'ai Shang Kan Ying Pien

That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Dadistan-i-dinik, 94,5

From Uncommon Sense, by Gregory Sams, a cultural change agent and inventor of the Vege Burger. The entire book is freely available online here: http://www.gregorysams.com/uncommon-sense.html, and is well worth the read.  

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 05:24Comments(1)Life in General


The Story of Stuff

The story of stuff has been posted up here before, but now it is here with Japanese subtitles  

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 19:07Comments(5)Life in General


Sattvic vs Rajasic story

A fisherman was lying in the sun on a beach, dozing. He had finished his fishing for the day' he had his lunch, and now it was time for his rest.

A businessman noticed him lying down lazily, and asked, "why are you not at work today?"

"I have finished my work. I went out in my little boat this morning, caught some fish, sold some, cooked and ate some; now it is time to rest, time for my siesta," said the fisherman.

"But you could catch some more fish, couldn't you?" asked the businessman.

"Why should I do that?" asked the fisherman in surprise.

"Then you could have more money, buy a bigger boat with an engine which would carry much larger nets and catch even more fish" replied the businessman.

"Why?" asked the fisherman.

"Well, then you can have a fleet of boats, set up a company, and when it's successful, you can sell it and make lots of money," said the businessman.

"Then what?" The fisherman was at a loss.

"Then you can retire and lie on a beach without any worries, forever," insisted the businessman.

"But I am already doing exactly that now. I am having my siesta. I have no worries about the future. I am happy, very happy. I have enough, and enough is enough for me. I am blessed with the sea and the sunshine and plenty of time to enjoy life. Why would I go to all that trouble?"

The businessman, at first speechless, soon went away smiling.  

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 11:33Comments(2)Life in General


Sattvic, Rajasic, Tamasic 1/2

From Satish Kumar's book, Spiritual Compass

The Three Qualities.
Sattvic is buoyant and shining
Rajasic is stimulating and moving
Tamasic is heavy and dominating

The concept of the 3 qualities was developed as part of the philosophy and practice of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian health system dating back nearly 5,000 years. Ayurveda is a way of cultivating and maintaining our personal and social health as well as the health of the planet, and is still widely practiced in India.

In Ayurveda, physical well being is dependent on two interconnected aspects: on the one hand, a healthy mind is the prerequisite of a healthy body, and on the other, without a healthy society and a healthy environment, personal health will remain a distant dream.

All objects, all thoughts, all actions and all relationships have one or the other of these three qualities or tendencies.

Time, too, can be understood in terms of these three qualities. Living in the here and now, acting spontaneously and unselfconsciously, responding to a situation as it is and seeing the present moment as a beautiful moment is sattvic. In sattvic time there is no judgement, no gloss, no interpretation, for these belong either to the past or to the future; they are part of reflecting on what has already happened or planning what is to come. Living in the present moment, being satisfied with what is now, and feeling a sense of gratitude for all the gifts of the moment, is sattvic.

Part 2 tomorrow  

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 14:02Comments(2)Life in General


The Stoned Ape: Pt.3

McKenna proposed that after the physical evolution to modern humans took place, it was the psilocybic mushrooms that helped gave us the cultural evolution of art, language and spirituality, while at the same time suppressing the urge towards male dominated hierarchies.

In today's cultural climate we live very much in the male dominated hierarchy system, much like the primates from which we evolved - meaning that the meanest guys with the sharpest teeth rise to control the actions of everyone underneath them. Those at the top of this system obviously wish to keep it going, as it always most benefits those who run it.

Bush and friends image

We are brought up and educated in a mandatory and imposed system to value empty materialism, consumerism, celebrity, conformity, submission to authority and hierarchy, patriotism, fitting in as a cog in the system, hedonism, "entertainment", television, the illusory system of democracy, and an overall feeling of the divine right to own that which should not be owned.

Property is theft image

We are hypnotized into believing that this capitalist, consumerist system, run by corrupt, power thirsty individuals that feed us on fear is the only way, and to imagine another system of civilization is empty idealism.

Psychedelics like psilocybic mushrooms are the single most powerful antidote to all of this. Nothing I know of can show you more adeptly, more quickly, and more clearly that being a part of that system is not a way to live your life. Psychedelics decondition you to stop valuing materialism, consumerism, and authority, and this is why they are illegal. Psychedelics are generally not dangerous to your health, they are a threat only to those who wish to narrow your mind and dampen your potential.

Now as we become further engulfed in the greatest problems our planet has ever faced, we will be shown in greater clarity that the current system we employ does not work, and only can only drag us along on the march towards the abyss.

Could it be that just as psychedelics caused the last great evolution in the human race - from evolved monkey to cultured man - they might just do so again?

Policeman with nightstick image

If only the people we employ to protect us wouldn't tell us what we can and what we can't put in our own bodies...  

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 02:17Life in General


The Meatrix

A short animated movie, a few minutes long.

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 10:21Life in General