
Earth Pilgrims DVD available

Humanity has moved through many ages. Astrology calls them by their zodiacal names, and we're just emerging from the end of the age of pisces, the age of religion, on the brink of a new age, and a new humanity. I believe that we collectively went through the age of religion because we needed to learn what it had to teach us: The core message brought to mankind in all of these religions, was the message of Ayni.

Ayni is a Quechua word meaning "reciprocity", with the underlying principle being the idea that what one gives to the universe, one receives from the universe. In the measure that you give - whatever it is - is the same that you will receive. If you show hatred to others, others will show hatred to you. If you give love and respect, you receive love and respect. If you practice forgiveness, you too will be forgiven. And importantly - as others give to you, you too must give back to maintain harmony. And so in Ayni culture the belief is practiced that as Earth, or the universe, or God provides for us, we must give back with thanks and gratitude in our hearts. These are the words of Jesus, of Buddha, and of many others in the great human history we have trailing behind us through time.

So now here we are, balanced at the edge of history. The practice and understanding of Ayni - this concept of receiving back from life whatever it is that you put out - is now all but forgotten, even though it is central to the religions that billions of people claim to follow. The only people who still live this way are part of a culture that is fast disappearing, and we were lucky enough at this point in history to capture it on film in its final breaths before it disappears into the forgotten realms of extinction.

We live in a world collapsing around us, and in the great fractal arena of life, this collapse is reflected in many facets. As we see the demise of the last keepers of the ancient knowledge, we also witness the disappearance of vital elements in our food chain, like plankton and bees. As we move into an age where wealthy countries fight resource wars to stay rich, we see our economies collapsing.

As great countries like China and India mobilise to saturate every one of their citizens with the paraphenalia of modernity, we finally notice that we have an ecosystem in collapse. We didn't go into great detail about these things in our film - that's not our purpose - but the facts and figures involved here are truly staggering. We are part of a great global culture taking the death march towards the edge of a cliff. And as we tear up forests to make printed currency, nature is happy to help us on this journey, and we can see this with the frequency of natural disasters increasing.

The future glitters with malice, makes one shudder in fear. The potential for major wars and major disaster increases by the day. The darkness that looms ahead of us is truly terrifying.

And yet: at the same time we have a future before us that shines with hope, and glows with promise. It is in times of crisis that real change can be made. As we approach this time that many prophesise as the end of days, we now really have the possibility for a new kind of humanity. A new paradigm. A new way of being. As Satish Kumar says in our film "as the old paradigm collapses, we must not lament. We must celebrate the death of the old system. And we must be midwives to the birth of a new system, and we must begin now to create new examples, so that when the old system dies, we are not left at sea with no direction, and no hope."

This film, Earth Pilgrims, is not like other films. It doesn't have the action, or the suspense of a Hollywood film. You probably will not be on the edge of your seat. You might even find it challenging to watch. But it has not been made to entertain people. It has been made to remind people that there is another way to live - and it is one that we may need to adopt as times get harder. This film also hopes to equip its audience with an understanding of the attitude of an Earth Pilgrim. This is a person who knows how to live in harmony with the world around them, carries gratitude in their hearts, and works not for themselves or material gain, but works in their own way for the greater good.

There are many messages in this film, and I hope that everyone who sees it may carry away from it something that touches them personally, and helps them in their own pilgrimages on this planet, as participating in making this film has done for me.

Thankyou for reading, and I hope you enjoy watching.


Order the DVD here (US Customers)
Japanese customers please click here

同じカテゴリー(Earth Pilgrims)の記事
Earth Pilgrims Trailer
Earth Pilgrims Trailer(2009-08-30 07:03)

Nassim on Synchronicity
Nassim on Synchronicity(2008-12-28 10:34)

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Satish Kumar's pilgrimage
Satish Kumar's pilgrimage(2008-12-02 16:59)

Earth Pilgrims (Japanese)
Earth Pilgrims (Japanese)(2008-11-19 20:40)

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 17:44│Comments(0)Earth Pilgrims