
The Stoned Ape: Pt.3

McKenna proposed that after the physical evolution to modern humans took place, it was the psilocybic mushrooms that helped gave us the cultural evolution of art, language and spirituality, while at the same time suppressing the urge towards male dominated hierarchies.

In today's cultural climate we live very much in the male dominated hierarchy system, much like the primates from which we evolved - meaning that the meanest guys with the sharpest teeth rise to control the actions of everyone underneath them. Those at the top of this system obviously wish to keep it going, as it always most benefits those who run it.

Bush and friends image

We are brought up and educated in a mandatory and imposed system to value empty materialism, consumerism, celebrity, conformity, submission to authority and hierarchy, patriotism, fitting in as a cog in the system, hedonism, "entertainment", television, the illusory system of democracy, and an overall feeling of the divine right to own that which should not be owned.

Property is theft image

We are hypnotized into believing that this capitalist, consumerist system, run by corrupt, power thirsty individuals that feed us on fear is the only way, and to imagine another system of civilization is empty idealism.

Psychedelics like psilocybic mushrooms are the single most powerful antidote to all of this. Nothing I know of can show you more adeptly, more quickly, and more clearly that being a part of that system is not a way to live your life. Psychedelics decondition you to stop valuing materialism, consumerism, and authority, and this is why they are illegal. Psychedelics are generally not dangerous to your health, they are a threat only to those who wish to narrow your mind and dampen your potential.

Now as we become further engulfed in the greatest problems our planet has ever faced, we will be shown in greater clarity that the current system we employ does not work, and only can only drag us along on the march towards the abyss.

Could it be that just as psychedelics caused the last great evolution in the human race - from evolved monkey to cultured man - they might just do so again?

Policeman with nightstick image

If only the people we employ to protect us wouldn't tell us what we can and what we can't put in our own bodies...

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Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 02:17 │Life in General