ASOC: PART 3 of 4
Altered states of consciousness PART 3 of 4
As we see spirituality die away in the face of the "organised religion vs atheism" paradigm, we are able to witness the effects of this situation in our society. All forms of spirituality, including even the shells that organised religion leaves us, teach that there are consequences to our actions. When you do wrong, there is more coming to you than the possibility of jail time if you're caught by the police.

But in our ultra-materialistic society, we've forgotten this rule. We've forgotten that the spirit world exists around us, and we've forgotten that we are here to develop our souls, not to get rich at the expense of the world around us.
And so it continues - the world around us is slowly being eroded and destroyed by the materialist constructs we maintain. How much longer can it go on?
I'd just like to end here with a quote I read somewhere on the internet:
"We are all under the spell of capital. We are hypnotised by commercials and advertising jingles. We are told, by the powers that be, that capitalism is "natural", that we have arrived at some kind of Hegelian "End of History", in which capitalism has won and any attempts to imagine a different scenario, a different form of global exchange, is empty utopianism. Unfortunately, many of us have accepted this fabrication. And so it is, that the rainforest continues to be depleted, many people in Third World countries live in poverty (thanks to multinational corporations and the politics of debt played by such organizations as the World Bank); spiritually empty we, in the post-industrial capitalist countries, greedily seek to fill our spiritual emptiness with things, commodities. We consume more and more, yet still cannot fill the emptiness. We're like rats on a turnwheel.
Psychedelics MAY be PART of the antidote to all of this."
Is a spiritual re-awakening through altered states of consciousness the key to unlocking the door our global culture must pass through in order to stop it from destroying itself?
Final part tomorrow
As we see spirituality die away in the face of the "organised religion vs atheism" paradigm, we are able to witness the effects of this situation in our society. All forms of spirituality, including even the shells that organised religion leaves us, teach that there are consequences to our actions. When you do wrong, there is more coming to you than the possibility of jail time if you're caught by the police.

But in our ultra-materialistic society, we've forgotten this rule. We've forgotten that the spirit world exists around us, and we've forgotten that we are here to develop our souls, not to get rich at the expense of the world around us.
And so it continues - the world around us is slowly being eroded and destroyed by the materialist constructs we maintain. How much longer can it go on?
I'd just like to end here with a quote I read somewhere on the internet:
"We are all under the spell of capital. We are hypnotised by commercials and advertising jingles. We are told, by the powers that be, that capitalism is "natural", that we have arrived at some kind of Hegelian "End of History", in which capitalism has won and any attempts to imagine a different scenario, a different form of global exchange, is empty utopianism. Unfortunately, many of us have accepted this fabrication. And so it is, that the rainforest continues to be depleted, many people in Third World countries live in poverty (thanks to multinational corporations and the politics of debt played by such organizations as the World Bank); spiritually empty we, in the post-industrial capitalist countries, greedily seek to fill our spiritual emptiness with things, commodities. We consume more and more, yet still cannot fill the emptiness. We're like rats on a turnwheel.
Psychedelics MAY be PART of the antidote to all of this."
Is a spiritual re-awakening through altered states of consciousness the key to unlocking the door our global culture must pass through in order to stop it from destroying itself?
Final part tomorrow
Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 12:55