
Insights from Ayahuasca

For a long time I've been suffering from a problem with my spine. There's been a twisted vertebrae in my neck, which has been causing me pain and giving me headaches. Every time I felt some tension in my neck, I always snapped my head sideways and made my neck *click*, which gave me temporary relief. I'd been doing this over 10 times a day for almost a year, slowly grinding away at that most vital of body parts.

The last time I drank Ayahuasca, I had an extremely strong experience. The sacred brew took me far out of my body, into the spirit world and into the dimension of the Ayahuasca spirit. She greeted me in one of her more usual forms - as a serpentile mass, writhing in the space around me.

She showered me with divine, unconditional love. She taught me how to deal with the issues affecting my life at that time. She showed me that the only thing that really matters in the universe is love, and that everything else is illusion. I could write an entire book about just one single Ayahuasca experience, but I would like to keep it short so I will not go into details here. But one thing that Ayahuasca taught me is this:
When you have a problem, or a pain, or an illness in your body, it is because your body is trying to communicate with you. You have every right to ignore this attempt at communication, but your body will duly suffer.

Modern Medicine acts by attacking the symptoms of illness, and generally completely ignoring the root causes. Most of the time this is stress, and taking pills only stresses the body more. Doctors should not act as drug dealers, handing out prescription medicines to people who come to them because of suffering. Often they'd be far better off sitting their patient down, giving them a massage, then talking to them, relaxing with a cup of coco. De-stressing and relaxing alone is often a better cure than a modern, relatively untested, chemical medicine.

The Ayahuasca spirit told me that I'd been ignoring my neck, not listening to it. I'd been showing a lot of hate towards my neck, being angry with it, wanting to go to a chiropractor to jam the bone back into position. I took her advice and listened. My neck said to me "I have a problem because you are not sitting with a good posture. If you maintain a good posture, my problem will go away".

Ayahuasca told me that when you have a problem in your body, you must show it love. You must listen to it, and you must respond to its needs. When you have a headache, don't take an aspirin - ask yourself why you've gotten a headache and remedy your behaviour. Maybe drink some water, or relax, or eat some food, or stop drinking alcohol(!).

Since listening to my neck, the problem has completely gone away, almost as if by magic. I no longer have neck pains or headaches, I no longer need to click my neck.

I thought I'd share her advice with you.

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What is Ayahuasca? Part 5/5(2007-12-21 03:43)

What is Ayahuasca? Part 4/5
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What is Ayahuasca? Part 3/5
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What is Ayahuasca? Part 2/5
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What is Ayahuasca? Part 1/5
What is Ayahuasca? Part 1/5(2007-12-02 18:40)

Posted by グラハム・ハンコック at 15:40 │Ayahuasca